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Mark Adrian Baring
Mark Adrian Baring


Waldain Ke Huqooq In Urdu PDF Download

Waldain ke huqooq (rights of parents) is a topic that is very important in Islam. Islam teaches us to respect, obey, and serve our parents, especially when they are old and weak. Allah (SWT) has mentioned the rights of parents in many places in the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has also explained them in various hadiths. In this article, we will provide some information about the rights of parents in Islam and also some sources where you can download books on this topic in Urdu language.

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The Rights of Parents in Islam

Allah (SWT) has given parents a very high status in Islam. He has commanded us to worship Him and to be good to our parents. He has said in the Quran:

"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], 'uff,' and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word." (Quran 17:23)

This verse shows that we should not even say a word of displeasure or annoyance to our parents, let alone disobey or disrespect them. We should speak to them kindly and gently, and treat them with honor and dignity.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has also emphasized the importance of being dutiful to our parents. He has said in a hadith:

"He who pleases his parents pleases Allah, and he who displeases his parents displeases Allah." (Tirmidhi)

This hadith shows that our relationship with our parents is directly linked to our relationship with Allah (SWT). If we want to earn the pleasure and mercy of Allah (SWT), we should try to please our parents and avoid anything that would make them unhappy or angry.

Some of the rights of parents in Islam are:

  • To obey them in what is lawful and beneficial.

  • To seek their permission before doing anything that may affect them.

  • To consult them in important matters and respect their opinions.

  • To provide for their needs and comfort.

  • To visit them regularly and keep in touch with them.

  • To pray for their forgiveness and well-being.

  • To be kind and compassionate to them, especially when they are old and frail.

  • To honor their relatives and friends.

  • To uphold their reputation and legacy.

  • To follow their good example and teachings.

Books on Waldain Ke Huqooq in Urdu PDF Download

If you want to learn more about the rights of parents in Islam and how to fulfill them, you can download some books on this topic in Urdu language from the following links:

  • : This book is written by a renowned scholar and mufti of Pakistan. It explains the rights of parents in Islam from the Quran and the Sunnah, as well as the benefits of being dutiful to them and the consequences of being disobedient to them. It also provides some practical tips on how to deal with common issues and challenges that arise between children and parents.

  • : This is a blog post by Dawat-e-Islami, a global Islamic organization that works for the propagation of Islam. It highlights the importance of being good to one's parents and gives some examples from the lives of the prophets, the companions, and the pious predecessors. It also contains some supplications that one can recite for one's parents.

  • : This book is written by a well-known scholar and preacher of Islam. It discusses the rights of parents and the responsibilities of children in Islam. It also addresses some common misconceptions and misunderstandings that people have about this topic.

We hope that this article and these books will help you to understand and appreciate the rights of parents in Islam and to strive to fulfill them. May Allah (SWT) bless our parents and grant them the highest ranks in Jannah. Ameen.


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